Saturday, January 1, 2011

Difference between SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe and SQLManagementStudio_x86_ENU.exe

Recently I came across installation procedure for SQL Server 2008 Management Studio.
I found that there are 2 download exe files available and confused to choose between which one will be suitable for my PC's hardware configuration.

After a little anlaysis found the difference between the two exe files and here is the difference.
First one i.e. SQLManagementStudio_x64_ENU.exe  is for 64 bit and the second  one i.e. SQLManagementStudio_x86_ENU.exe is for 32 bit of Windows version. If you confuse between the 2, use 2nd one as it will work for both 32 bit and 64 bit of Windows which is not applicable for the 1st one.



  1. Hi,

    Thanks a lot for this information. It was very helpful for me.

    Probal Mojumder
    (Research Associate, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, A.P.)

  2. Oh thank you very much. I was about to install but got confused. Anyhow the information really helped me.

  3. Thank you so much. This information was very helpful.

  4. Thanks for the post

  5. Thanks it helped me

  6. Thanx Dude For the good Information.. :-)

  7. Thank you for taking time to share this info for people like us who don't read all the installation instructions!

  8. if the x86 can work on both 64 and 32 , question is why do we need x64bit.can someone pls answer

  9. mine System is 64 bit and I ran both x64 and x86 one by one .reason being after sqlserver studio gets installed I am not able to connect to my server, and I don't see any instances available in configuration manager, I spent almost three days and did troubleshooting via blogs but all in vain. having no instances in configuration manager is a weird thing to me. I even did firewall work by enabling the port as mentioned by developers ,1433 but its not working for me. I checked in control panel under admin tools in services and surprised to see that there is no sql server instance there. can someone help me on this, I am using window 7 ---there is no installation error when I install sql management studio . no failures. what should I do, I have just started learning it and got stuck in the so very beginning, did not see any video which can help me in removing this error-could not connect to server, and some error stating that check your instance, pipeline etc
