Monday, March 14, 2011

Extracting Only Numbers from a String

While working on projects, sometimes we may need to exatract only numbers from a string.

The regular approach is to run a while loop on given string to check each and every character and extract it to get the result.

Here is alternative approach I read in another article,

Declare @str varchar(100),@result_num varchar(100)
set @str='zr3jgc124785ce64'
set @result_num=''
select @result_num = @result_num+
case when number like '[0-9]' then number else '' end from
(select substring(@str,number,1) as number from
(select number from master..spt_values
where type='p' and number between 1 and len(@str)) as t
) as t
select @result_num as [only numbers]


Reference : DP ( )

1 comment:

  1. DECLARE @str VARCHAR(100), @result_num VARCHAR(100)
    SET @str = '1zr3jgc124785ce64'
    SET @result_num = ''
    SELECT @result_num = @result_num+res.x
    FROM (
    SELECT SUBSTRING(@str, number, 1) AS x
    FROM MASTER..spt_values x
    WHERE x.type = 'p' AND number BETWEEN 1 AND LEN(@str) AND ISNUMERIC(SUBSTRING(@str, number, 1)) =

    SELECT @result_num AS [only numbers]
    this is way easier to understand
